Find Digestive Comfort, Mental Peace, & Physical Ease

About us
With Window to Your Health we have created a platform to support healing, from physical and emotional pain, digestive discomfort, and burnout.
We guide you with natures wisdom on your natural healing journey.
Window to your health was founded by Karlijn an Ayurvedic Therapist &
Ferdinand a Holistic Osteopath.
To share the proven knowledge that they have gathered in the past 25 years.
Two ways you can work with us: 1:1 online guidance, in person healing and retreats.

My name is Karlijn (pronounced as car-line) I live in beautiful Costa Rica with my husband Ferdinand and son Flynn.
I have studied and practiced Ayurveda for more than 7 years and I integrate Ayurvedic meals and lifestyle practices into my daily (family) life.
Especially after being pregnant and giving birth to our son Flynn, I realize how important our female body and all its functions are to our health, our planet, and our children.
In a former life, I was a professional athlete, and during these years, I wasn't worried about the long-term effect and what all this training was doing to my overall health.
I needed to finish my training (2-3x per day), and if I wasn’t able to accomplish that due to menstrual discomforts, I would take a couple of painkillers and go anyway. Not realizing the harm I was doing to my body and that by doing those trainings, I was actually depleting my body and pushing myself further away from reaching my goals.
My body ended up being so depleted that it crashed during my last race and left me on the ground with a broken jaw, elbow, and ego.
I decided it was time to make a change and start living by what I preached. I changed my diet and lifestyle to match the ancient Ayurvedic way of living.
To tell you the truth, I have never felt so fit. I now have tons of energy, okay I might not run a marathon, but I am so much more in tune with my source connection and purpose, which makes me truly happy.
I started Window to Your Health because I wish peace, serenity, and empowerment for all women on this planet. Our self-healing abilities are so strong, and I can't wait for the moment when all of us are aware of our capabilities.

My name is Ferdinand. I was born and raised in Holland but have always felt the urge to move abroad. Now that we have our home base in Costa Rica I practice my profession both online as well as offline through coaching sessions, Osteopathic treatments, workshops and retreats.
I started my working journey as a physical therapist. From there I studied Osteopathy, I became a coach and therapist to professional and semi professional athletes. I studied a lot on the way, in many fields. From energetic and spiritual work, to physical and emotional work.
I have a great passion and interest for how the body deals and heals from emotional trauma, what happens on a physical en spiritual level and how to heal from this.
For me the body and mind are like a puzzle that I can put together. When I treat you or have met you virtually or in real life, the pieces of the puzzle start coming together for me. From there I can create a road map or a manual, so that you will understand what your body and mind are going through, and what you can expect to see happen in the near future. This will help you anticipate to and not be afraid of the symptoms, illness, or dis-ease that has manifested in your body.
Since the 25 years that I started practicing as a therapist, I now really enjoy sharing the knowledge of what lies as the root of pain and discomfort so that you can understand and heal.