Find Digestive Comfort, Mental Peace, & Physical Ease

You want to become your healthiest version
You prefer to look at the bright side of life. You are willing to take life by the horns to create the most positive experience this time around.
You have the mindset of an entrepreneur, athlete, or explorer.
You are open minded and willing to learn.
You would like to thrive but at the moment you feel out of balance, physically, emotionally and or spiritually, but you know or hold the vision of what a healthy body and mind feels like.
You are aware that emotional, spiritual, mental, and energetic well-being, all need to be in harmony in order to feel happy, healthy, and full of energy.
You know that healing takes time and no one will "fix" it for you. You will have to put in the work and are committed to do the work on all levels.
Then I know that at whichever stage you are in life that we can be a perfect match.

We likely share some views on important matters
If you are like me then you are probably just as concerned about where our planet is headed.
The toxic lifestyles that we have, the toxins in our food and waters, the way we farm our food, and our current "healthcare" system. Which in my opinion is more a "sick care" system.
How we are moving away from our inherent knowing, our intuition, and our ability to manifest whatever we desire. How we are constantly focussed on the mind and its abilities instead of looking at our human being as a beautiful holistic creation.
On healthcare in this world.
You know and have experienced first hand that our current healthcare system is not the way to go, if you truly want to be healthy. It might be great when you have a broken leg. But what about preventing dis-ease, and your urge to thrive instead of survive?
True healthcare is prevention, nourishing, nurturing, and honouring your body, mind, and spirit. Being heard and listened too, even when the symptoms are small. And the body will only heal when we look at the body, mind, and spirit as complex systems and not trying to treat one part in isolation. You will only heal completely when you heal from the inside-out instead of suppressing symptoms with pills and supplements.

On Spirituality
You feel that you want to practice what you preach. But how do you do that in our modern world? Do you sell everything that you own. Buy a piece of land on top of a mountain and live a life of solitude? Or are there ways to live a spiritually connected life while still enjoying modern society?
On Spirituality
You feel that you want to practice what you preach. But how do you do that in our modern world? Do you sell everything that you own. Buy a piece of land on top of a mountain and live a life of solitude? Or are there ways to live a spiritually connected life while still enjoying modern society?
On Nature
You know that we all have a beautiful connection with Mother Earth and that every species has their own role to play in our ecosystems. You would like to rediscover what this means for you . You might even be interested to start living off the land again. You are or would like to grow some food in your garden or on your balcony or even some medicine to make your own apothecary. Rediscovering all that Mother Earth has to offer is a priority on your to-do list.
On Local
More and more you wish to buy locally. You wish to vote with your dollar and want to support the people in your community and no longer want to support the big companies where you don't know what they do with your money.
On Children
You believe that children should be able to run wild and free. Have as much outside time as they wish. Where they can play in the mud and get dirty from head to toe. You question the current schooling system and would prefer to homeschool or unschool your kids if you could and if you couldn't you'd prefer to send them to an alternative or Waldorf school.
You might feel attracted to the work of:
In no particular order, Joe Dispenza, Myra Lewin, Dr. Vasant Lad, Bruce Lipton, Rupert Sheldrake, Peter Crone, Dr. G Hamer, Atreya Smith, Marcus Schmieke.
You often find yourself talking about:
You talk a lot about where we are headed with this planet and how we can provide our knowledge to create a different future for ourselves and our children. How we have to take the responsibility of reconnecting with Mother Earth and how we have to heal ourselves and our (ancestral) traumas so that we can create generational health and wealth for our kids.
Your Dreams
You dream of a life of abundance. Where you (and your kids) can step out of the matrix and the 9-5 rat race. So that you can live a connected life, in tune with nature, yourself, your family, and your friends. While you follow your hearts calling without feeling held back by your pay check.